The football Banquet was so nice! So much food, and it was really good seeing everybody again. The last time I saw them was at the last game for the Juniors, which was in November. It felt good catching up with them all. I'm mad that I forgot to take my camera so I could get pictures of the boys and everybody. My son got his trophy.
And, to my surprise, I received a plague for all my assistance with the concessions at all the home games, and the Coach of the Juniors gave me a bouquet of flowers! I was Assistant Team Mom.
We all really had a great time! I grumbled a little about practice starting in early August and having to give up all my free time every evenings to run off to practice, AND getting up at the crack of dawn on Saturdays for the games, but when you stop and think about it, these are the memories he will have once he grows up, and it really is worth it. Who knows, maybe he'll be the next starting Center for the Washington Redskins! Okay, a girl can dream.