Monday, January 24, 2011


Hey Bloggers!

I guess I should start with Happy New Year, since it's been a zillion years since I last blogged. I guess I don't have as much to talk about as I thought I did. I seriously think blogging is great, if you can keep it up and you have stuff to say. I originally planned on blogging everyday. We all know the tale of best laid plans. Besides, trying to blog everyday--or rather, having something to say in a blog everyday, is a bit much for me. I don't want to disable my account, so I'm going to compromise with myself and blog once a week. Maybe if I try that schedule, then in a weeks' time, I'll have enough to say.

So, to bring you up-to-date since I last blogged: The publisher I had is now defunct and I got nadda for my book. Very bittersweet, since I got some really good reviews. Lesson learned. I am not trying to find another publisher on my own. I'm going the agent route. I said it before, but I'm not about to let all my hard work go to waste again.

I've been doing a lot more crocheting. Love making baby items. They are just so precious and cute. I'm in a crochet group at work and we meet everyday at lunchtime. They are a wonderful group of ladies and we have so much fun working on our craft, exchanging ideas and just laughing and acting silly. I've got to find smaller projects to work on, or take less material with me. I'm breaking my back lugging this heavy bag everyday.

I'm bummed that the "Sexiest Man Alive - in my view" Jesse L. Martin, has not returned to T.V. yet. I miss that gorgeous smile of his. That sexy voice. That swagga'. *sigh* Damn, I need to find a boyfriend. LOL!

Let's see...oh, I've changed my hairstyle again. I love having it natural and generally wear it in two strand twists, but my hair is so thin I can't stand it! I've gone from braids to twists to...Voila! Weave. I know. I didn't think it was me, but I kinda like it. Thanks to LaBella MsChanda, it looks really natural. She walks you through all the steps to get a beautifully coiffed hairstyle. Check out her blog and check her out on Youtube. There are some other great Youtubers showing how it's done, but Ms. Chanda is the Queen. She knows her stuff! I hope to take some decent pictures and post them. Maybe in next weeks' blog. I'll try to make Wednesdays my posting days. Help break up the week.

That's it for now, Bloggers. Be Blessed and happy.



  1. Hi Verdi! Thank you so much for the follow! You have a lovely blog! I'm following you too.

  2. Hi Yaya,

    Thanks for following and for stopping by.
