Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mourning the Loss of a Friend

I am filled with an overwhelming sense of sadness. I lost a friend today. He was more like the brother I never had. A great man, with a big heart, who was always smiling. Even in the midst of drama and chaos, he could see the humor and find a way to make people smile along with him.

This man was in great physical shape. He worked out regularly and ate sensibly. He had just turned 47 years old. My age. It's hard to believe. One minute he was here, the next, gone. Almost in a flash.

Life is so fleeting; so temporal; so precious. Yet, we take it for granted everyday. We conceitedly think that we can do things later, or tomorrow. What if tomorrow doesn't come? My friend left this earth in the span of two hours. His son woke him up between 4:30 and 5:00 am, getting something to drink. They exchanged a few words and returned to bed. His daughter went to wake him up at 6:55, and he was not breathing. How is that possible?

He leaves to mourn a wife, children, grandchildren, mother, step-father, brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, neices and newphews. He also leaves to mourn a community. A host of single family homes, filled with fatherless children, who called him "Pop." Someone they looked up to. A role model to imulate. Please pray for us. Pray for his family. His extended family. And hold your loved ones close. Tell them you love them. And mean it.

Rest in peace Adrian McDowell.

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